Grove Creek Medical Center in Blackfoot, Idaho, specializes in labor and delivery services and creates a more private and intimate birthing experience for families. When it comes to labor and delivery, Grove Creek offers a premier birthing experience. Not only is our staff highly skilled, but the facilities are beautiful.
Grove Creek Medical Center is a new hospital in Blackfoot, Idaho, which specializes in labor and delivery services and creates a more private and intimate birthing experience for young families. When it comes to labor and delivery, Grove Creek offers a premier birthing experience. Not only is our staff highly skilled, but the facilities are beautiful.
Labor Support
Our goal throughout labor and delivery is to support you and keep you and your baby safe and comfortable. Natural pain management tools will be integrated during your labor to manage contractions and intense sensations; however, epidural anesthesia is also available, which is the most popular method of pain relief during labor. All of these tools will help you have an amazing birth experience.

Labor Support
Our goal throughout labor and delivery is to support you and keep you and your baby safe and comfortable. Natural pain management tools will be integrated during your labor to manage contractions and intense sensations; however, epidural anesthesia is also available, which is the most popular method of pain relief during labor. All of these tools will help you have an amazing birth experience.
Postpartum Care
After labor, we want you to take your time to rest, recover, and establish breastfeeding, if desired before returning home. As a baby-friendly certified hospital, our team will be there to support you, your baby, and your family. The length of your stay in the birth center after birth varies from family to family.

Postpartum Care
After labor, we want you to take your time to rest, recover, and establish breastfeeding, if desired before returning home. As a baby-friendly certified hospital, our team will be there to support you, your baby, and your family. The length of your stay in the birth center after birth varies from family to family.
Developing a Birthing Plan
At Grove Creek, we have found that women who are more informed about what to expect tend to enjoy their pregnancy and are more prepared for the birthing experience. We strongly believe that the decisions you make now can help you create a personalized birth plan to make the most of your special day. Our goal is to ensure you and your baby start out in the healthiest possible way. As such, each patient develops a customized birthing plan to ensure her birth goes as closely as you’d like as possible.

Developing a Birthing Plan
At Grove Creek, we have found that women who are more informed about what to expect tend to enjoy their pregnancy and are more prepared for the birthing experience. We strongly believe that the decisions you make now can help you create a personalized birth plan to make the most of your special day. Our goal is to ensure you and your baby start out in the healthiest possible way. As such, each patient develops a customized birthing plan to ensure her birth goes as closely as you’d like as possible.